The Other Husband


The Other Husband

By Kathryn Croft

Narrated by Hannah Curtis

Length 11hr 07min 00s


The Other Husband summary & excerpts

Two, Sienna. There are two sides to every story, aren't there? But not this one, this one has far more. For Sienna, everything starts and ends with Abby. There is nothing unusual about how their paths cross, not really. A chance meeting, much like any other. No different from the way anyone enters another person's life. There is nothing sinister or premeditated about any of it. Even Abby will have to admit that much, random. Somehow that makes what happens even worse. Are you feeling okay? Greg asks in the morning. You seem a bit, I don't know, not yourself. He doesn't look at Sienna as he speaks, and she wishes that he would. That there is something behind his words. Something to show her that he means it, that he can actually see her. Instead, he is preoccupied with his phone and swipes and jabs at the screen. A thin smile on his face as he sips his usual strong black coffee. It's hard to tell what he's looking at, but Sienna's convinced it isn't the news or anything work related. As usual, Greg looks immaculate this morning. A crisp white shirt and navy tie, his trousers neatly ironed with a sharp crease. It's the same every morning when he goes to work. He has to look the part, inspire confidence in the patients he'll be seeing. They literally have their lives in his hands. She wonders how it's never occurred to her that he might actually enjoy playing God. I'm going to do it, she says, pushing aside her plate. Although Greg is definitely not a breakfast person, she can't function without it. And this morning, she's already found room for scrambled eggs, hash browns, toast, and a baby avocado. Where do you put all that, Greg asks, his eyes still fixed on his phone. At least his question demonstrates that he's somehow been paying attention in his Greg way. I must burn it off with nervous energy or something, she replies, even though she has no idea what that means or if it really is a thing. Did you hear me?

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