The Housemaid


The Housemaid

By Sarah A. Denzil

Narrated by Sophie Rundle

Length 9hr 02min 00s


The Housemaid summary & excerpts

The eye does not linger on the maid in the corridor, the heart does not feel for her. There was a time I convinced myself otherwise, but no matter what you are to your house, a confidant, an ally, a lover, a ghost is what you will transform into. A ghost is what I became. I thought I was someone to him, to them even, but in the end I was nothing. I don't dream anymore, but if I did, I would imagine myself back in the music room, sitting on the piano stool with him next to me, his long fingers caressing the white and black keys and the swell of the music filling up the large space inside that room. Emily, what would you like me to play? He would grin because he knew I always picked my favourite piece, the Debussy. He would perform it for me diligently, but what he didn't know was that I loved the way he said my name more than any music he played for me. It made me feel noticed, appreciated even, and for a maid that's important. When a man, a powerful, rich man, looks at you and says your name, well, let's just say it can elicit an adrenaline rush that chases away common sense. Inside the music room I went to another place. He and I were from two different worlds, but in that room it didn't matter. I forgot about everything I'd left behind when he started to play. Perhaps I forgot too many things. Perhaps I forgot myself. The mistakes I made are my own, and I will never forgive myself for them, and for becoming the very thing that I'd tried so hard not to be, another ghost.

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The Housemaid sample

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