Ender's Game Alive: The Full Cast Audioplay


Ender's Game Alive: The Full Cast Audioplay

By Orson Scott Card

Narrated by Full Cast Recording

Length 7hr 24min 00s


Ender's Game Alive: The Full Cast Audioplay summary & excerpts

We have you at E.V. Cutting off engines. Fuel for maneuver and descent. Good bird. Still full of vitamins. I feel like throwing up. You weren't supposed to eat anything for twenty hours. You don't have to have food to puke. Come on. It's just zero G. Technically it's free fall. The Earth's gravity is undiminished and... Can somebody shut off the fount of all wisdom? I know. We can stuff the midget American down his throat. I can reach his head. If I can't get a grip, I'll twist his head off and toss it to you. And you can jam it down. Please stop. People must jab elbows in your face all the time, baby dolly. They must set things on your head and then forget where they put them. Stop hitting me. Somebody's coming in. You going to tell on me, dolly baby? I don't even know which way is up. Earth is down there. How do you know it isn't up there? Or off to the side? And even if it is, why should Earth be down? Why should that be the floor? Because we stood on it when we walked in here. We're in free fall. Down is wherever we say it is. He crazy? Look at Colonel Graff. Who laughed? The teeny tiny American. And her wig in. What do you think is so funny? You hanging upside down by your feet. He not upside down. Is that funny to anybody else here? No. Well, why isn't it? Scumbrains. That's what we've got in this lunch. Pinheaded little morons. Only one of you had the brains to realize that in all gravity, directions are whatever you conceive them to be. Do you understand that? Shafts. Me? Are you named Shafts? Yes. Yes, you understand that? Or yes, your name is Shafts? Or did you mean anything? I came in here from the forward compartment. Was I walking? A lie. You climbed up, sir. What was I climbing, and why was it up? You were climbing the, climbing the. . . And her wig in. You were climbing up what used to be the floor, and it was up because you climbed in that direction. If you had come in feet first, you would have been climbing down. And then what did I do? You hooked your feet under a rung in the floor and swung to a position that used to be upright. Only your toes were still hooked under the rung, so you could have been hanging upside down. Then we were all hanging upside down. Bernard, n'est pas? What makes you think we weren't all hanging upside down? Was your buttocks pressing down on the seat? No, sir. There's only one boy on this launch with any brains at all, and that's Ender Wiggin. Take a good look at him, little boys. He's going to be a commander when you're still in diapers up here, because he knows how to think in null gravity, and you just want to throw up. Wiggin, Ender. Most of you are going to ice out. Get used to that, little boys. Most of you are going to end up in combat school because you don't have the brains to handle deep space piloting. Most of you aren't worth the price of bringing you up here to battle school because you don't have what it takes. Some of you might make it. Some of you might be worth something to humanity, but don't bet on it. I'm betting on only one. Wiggin, am I holding on to the ceiling or the floor? Whatever you say, sir. Bunch of earth-born babies. What did I do to deserve this job? Am I falling down or floating up? Quick! Whatever you say, sir! Little American. Looks like you got it made here. Ender Wiggin. You won't even talk to me, Ender? I'm not good enough for you? I didn't ask him to say that stuff. Ow! Did you ask me to pummel you in the head? No? Keep your hands away from me. I think I'm a volunteer. Just like you, fart eater. You like this? Super Brain, is this fun? That's enough, Bernard. Time to twist his head off now. My arm! Catch him!

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