Mister Jeweler


Mister Jeweler

By B. Love

Narrated by Opal Black, Winston James

Length 8hr 28min 00s


Mister Jeweler summary & excerpts

1. Jacintha January. Somebody was getting her pussy that night, and Jacintha was 99% sure it wouldn't be her husband. It was not to be confused, Elite was a beast in the sheets. He was able to make his wife come in seconds or torture her and make her wait for hours. His dick was long and the perfect girth, and he had absolutely no problem licking and sucking her clit until she squirted in his face. So what reason did Jacintha have to be scoping the lounge for a potential sex partner? She was bored. Jacintha had only been with three men sexually in her life. The boy she gave her virginity to at 16. The man whose seeds helped her give birth to her 8-year-old twins and her husband, Elite. It didn't matter how exciting and unique they got in the bedroom, Jacintha was bored. At 34, she'd never had the hoe phase her friends had in their younger days, and now she was married with two daughters. Elite was the perfect man for her, but in all of his perfection, Jacintha still wasn't fucking satisfied. Releasing a low huff, Jacintha grabbed her champagne. Her mother would hit her upside her head with the Bible if she knew Jacintha was even considering cheating on her husband. If anyone asked Jacintha, she would say her parents were the cause of her discontentment with her life anyway. Baxter and Sonia Lewis raised her to be a good girl. They kept her in church several times throughout the week, monitored her friends, and didn't allow her to date anyone they didn't approve of, and all but grounded her the rest of her time in high school after catching her with a boy in her room. While Jacintha wished she had the courage to rebel, their strict parenting caused her to keep her distance from the opposite sex after high school. While in college, she dated on purpose, and if that purpose wasn't marriage, she remained single. The first man who hinted at engagement was the father of her children, Diedrich. They met when she was 24.

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